Since 1988, the Irish American Society has chosen an “Irish Person of the Year”. The criteria for being nominated as “Irish Person of the Year” are as follows:
Continual dedication of time and tenure to the Irish American Society.
Unselfish attitude towards all IAS members.
Continual promotion of the IAS.
Continual presence at all IAS events.
Provides assistance to the Irish Community and its various organizations.
Maintains a non-political and a non-religious attitude in all IAS proceedings.
Participation on the IAS Board and various IAS committees.
Maintains a generous spirit through financial assistance.
Participation at other Irish events such as The North Texas Irish Fest.
Prior to 1996, the IAS Board’s criteria stipulated that the IPOY had to be from Ireland or of Irish descent. However, it was agreed upon at that time that non-Irish people were also eligible to receive the award provided they were members of the IAS and deserving of the honor. It was further decided that in the case of a couple being deserving of the prestigious selection that the award would go to one individual only.